
Foreign plants that take the space of the native plant is known as:

Correct! Wrong!

An organism that benefits from looking like something in its environment is called:

Correct! Wrong!

Those animals that get nutrients from fruits are called:

Correct! Wrong!

A terrestrial ecosystem is located on:

Correct! Wrong!

Species interacting in a way that is beneficial for them are known as:

Correct! Wrong!

An ecosystem is made up of biotic and ________ factors.

Correct! Wrong!

An arboreal species lives in___________.

Correct! Wrong!

The ecology is a Greek word for the study of:

Correct! Wrong!

Temperature, light, air, water, soil, and climate are all the __________ components of the environment.

Correct! Wrong!

The interaction between the living organism and its environment is called:

Correct! Wrong!

Ecology Quiz 02
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