
The goldfinch's favorite kind of food is_______seed.

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following is not a bird commonly found at feeders?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of these species of birds eats both meat and plants as an adult?

Correct! Wrong!

What kind of bird is now extinct?

Correct! Wrong!

 How many toes do ostriches have on each foot?

Animal Quiz 17
Correct! Wrong!

Which bird belongs to the Struthioniformes order?

Correct! Wrong!

 About how many species of birds are there?

Correct! Wrong!

 Falconiformes include which birds?

Correct! Wrong!

Pigeons occupy which order of birds?

Animal Quiz 17
Correct! Wrong!

Sixty percent of all birds fall into which order?

Correct! Wrong!

Animal Quiz 17
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