
Black forest cake has the same colors as the traditional dress of the inhabitants of the black forest in Germany.

Correct! Wrong!

Apart from cheese and tomato what other two toppings are usually there on a hawaiian pizza?

Correct! Wrong!

Which famous explorer discovered cuba?

Correct! Wrong!

During which year did world war 1 began?

Correct! Wrong!

Which country does volleyball originate from?

GK Quiz 20
Correct! Wrong!

Watermelons are originally from Australia.

Correct! Wrong!

Trout- carp and- barracuda are names of what?

Correct! Wrong!

Spinach originally comes from iran.

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following is not a metal: gold- resin- glass?

Correct! Wrong!

Who was nicknamed trey, three in card terminology when he was young?

Correct! Wrong!

GK Quiz 20
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