
Find the Noun: They blamed me for a small mistake.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Noun: He lives in our current neighborhood.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Noun: The cats were scared of those scary dogs.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Noun: The painter painted the old doors of our house.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Noun: The teacher told her class a funny story.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Noun: My friends visited my new house after school.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Noun: Go and put the outside lights on.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Noun: My dog likes to go for a long walk.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Noun: John is a decent boy.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Noun: They often eat their heavy lunch together.

Correct! Wrong!

Noun Quiz 12
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