
Dan and Wendy were going to visit Pop's house because he lived on a farm. There were two sheep, five chickens, three cows and an old dog to play with at the farm. But the best of all was Pop's truck. 'Your truck is great, Pop.' Dan always said. Pop let the children ride in the back of the truck when he fed hay to the sheep.

Fill in The Blanks: Dan and Wendy were going to a ____.

Correct! Wrong!

Dan and Wendy were going to visit Pop's house because he lived on a farm. There were two sheep, five chickens, three cows and an old dog to play with at the farm. But the best of all was Pop's truck. 'Your truck is great, Pop.' Dan always said. Pop let the children ride in the back of the truck when he fed hay to the sheep.

Fill in The Blanks: There were ___ animals in Pop's farm.

Correct! Wrong!

Dan and Wendy were going to visit Pop's house because he lived on a farm. There were two sheep, five chickens, three cows and an old dog to play with at the farm. But the best of all was Pop's truck. 'Your truck is great, Pop.' Dan always said. Pop let the children ride in the back of the truck when he fed hay to the sheep.

Fill in The Blanks: The best thing on the farm was Pop's ____.

Correct! Wrong!

Dan and Wendy were going to visit Pop's house because he lived on a farm. There were two sheep, five chickens, three cows and an old dog to play with at the farm. But the best of all was Pop's truck. 'Your truck is great, Pop.' Dan always said. Pop let the children ride in the back of the truck when he fed hay to the sheep.

Fill in The Blanks: Pop fed hay to the ____.

Correct! Wrong!

Comprehension Quiz 01
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