
An alphabet is a set of written symbols. These symbols are called:

Correct! Wrong!

These symbols represent the basic _______ used when speaking the language.

Correct! Wrong!

What comes before the letter Q?

Correct! Wrong!

The word "alphabet" comes from alpha and beta, the first two letters of the _______ alphabet.

Correct! Wrong!

There are ______ letters in the English alphabet.

Correct! Wrong!

Pick the list of words that are in alphabetical order:

Correct! Wrong!

English letters can be written as either small letters or _______ letters.

Correct! Wrong!

Which letter comes in between the letter W and Y?

Correct! Wrong!

Pick the list of words that are in alphabetical order:

Correct! Wrong!

What comes after the letter S?

Correct! Wrong!

Alphabet Quiz 01
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