
When species interact with the population of other species, it is called:

Correct! Wrong!

The role an organism plays within its ecosystem is referred to as a:

Correct! Wrong!

An organism producing its own food is known as:

Correct! Wrong!

Albedo is a measure of the percentage of light that is reflected by an/a _________.

Correct! Wrong!

An organism that can't produce its own food.

Correct! Wrong!

A species that are at high risk of dying out completely are known as:

Correct! Wrong!

A system of several overlapping food chains.

Correct! Wrong!

This is not an abiotic factor.

Correct! Wrong!

This type of organism eats both plants and animals.

Correct! Wrong!

A ___________ breakdown waste organism and recycles nutrients.

Correct! Wrong!

Ecology Quiz 03
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