
Find the Verb: I always get up at 6 o'clock.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Verb: You eat too much fast food.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Verb: He is busy studying for his exams.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Verb: We went shopping in Dubai.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Verb: She agreed to play with him.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Verb: They all enjoy ice skating.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Verb: I went swimming in the sea.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Verb: I can see the sea from my house.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Verb: That bicycle belongs to me.

Correct! Wrong!

Find the Verb: Sam finished his homework.

Correct! Wrong!

Verb Quiz 15
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