Earth day Worksheet activities for Kids
Are you looking for some exciting Earth Day activities for your preschool and kindergarten kids? Earth Day is a fantastic time to introduce vital fundamental concepts such as recycling, pollution, planting, and recycling with kids. It’s celebrated globally on April 24 this year. The history of Earth Day is ripe for discussion in the classroom. It was first celebrated on April 22, 1970. It was founded by Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson and organized by an activist named Denis Hayes, who chose the date because it would fall between most schools and colleges’ spring breaks and students’ final exams. The goal was to get Kids and youth involved. The message was clear and instilled in young kids and young people the idea of caring about our planet Earth. These simple hands-on Earth Day activities, like Earth Day coloring pages and worksheets for kids, word searches, and scavenger hunts below these activities will help to celebrate Earth Day at home or at school. Even its best resource for toddlers and preschoolers can get involved and learn how to help our beautiful planet Earth! Let’s grab and download Earth Day worksheets for your kids, which will help them learn without any further delay.