
Which bamboo, eating bear has a baby that weighs less than an apple?

Correct! Wrong!

Which bird can fly straight up, down and backward?

Correct! Wrong!

Which animal used to roam in huge herds across the American West?

Correct! Wrong!

Whose makeup is more than a quarter of all mammal species on Earth?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the flightless bird found in South America?

Correct! Wrong!

Where can you find the emu?

Correct! Wrong!

In which country do you find the Kiwi?

Correct! Wrong!

The large flightless bird is to be found in Africa. What is it?

Correct! Wrong!

What color are oriole feeders typically?

Correct! Wrong!

How often should you clean your feeders?

Correct! Wrong!

Animal Quiz 15
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