
Jordan was thinking of buying his wife 9 purple lillies and 12 white daisies. How many flowers in total did he want to buy for his wife?

Correct! Wrong!

At the end of a rainbow there were 8 unicorns. By the river there were 9 unicorns. How many unicorns were there in total?

Correct! Wrong!

In a fair, a stall had 12 different foods and another had 5 different foods. In the two stalls, how many different foods were there?

Correct! Wrong!

Everyday in the morning Leo puts 12 pieces of bread and 12 spoons of rice for the pigeons to eat. How much food does he put out for the pigeons?

Correct! Wrong!

Last night a robber came and took away 14 gold coins from a house. He took 6 more gold coins today. How many gold coins does he have in total?

Correct! Wrong!

What will you get if you add fifteen and five together?

Correct! Wrong!

Bonnie found 8 rocks on her sidewalk and 7 rocks in her backyard. How many rocks did Bonnie find in all?

Correct! Wrong!

Susie has 10 fish. She is given 11 more for her birthday. How many fish does she have now?

Correct! Wrong!

Frankie and Richie had 25 books each. What is the total number of books they have together?

Correct! Wrong!

A shopping mall has 14 cars parked outside of it. If 9 more cars are parked in the same place, what is the total number of cars that are parked outside the shopping mall?

Correct! Wrong!

Math Word Problem Quiz 10
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