
Choose the correct missing preposition: He tried to open the tin ___ a knife.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: Listen! I think there is someone ___ the front door.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: See you ___ Monday morning.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: We are giving him a surprise party ___ his birthday.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: A dictionary has information ___ words.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: You'll find the poem ___ page 16.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: I'll call you ___ seven o'clock.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: I was born ___ September 9th.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: I am very busy ___ the moment.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: My school closes ___ June.

Correct! Wrong!

Preposition Quiz 10
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