
Choose the correct missing preposition: They never blamed me ___ anything.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: He lives ___ our current neighborhood.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: Use the ladder that is next ___ the wall.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: The painter painted the doors ___ our house.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: The teacher told the class a story ___ a prince.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: The treasure is buried ___ the two coconut trees.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: The documents were hidden ___ a cabinet.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: My dog likes ___ go for a walk.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: John is sharing his lunch ___ me.

Correct! Wrong!

Choose the correct missing preposition: I like to listen ___ the radio when I wake up.

Correct! Wrong!

Preposition Quiz 16
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